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Tag: Product Liability Insurance

3 New Year's Resolutions for Small Businesses

3 New Year's Resolutions for Small Businesses

2023 is almost upon us, along with the long-held tradition of New Year’s resolutions. For individuals, after a season of parties, food, holiday cookies, cakes, and drinks, resolutions about losing weight are a common theme – but what about small business owners?  The New Year is the ideal time to set goals for the year, establish a workable plan to achieve those goals, and evaluate...

Do I Need Product Liability Insurance On Top Of Business Owner’s Insurance?

Do I Need Product Liability Insurance On Top Of Business Owner’s Insurance?

If your business manufactures, distributes, sells, or repairs products, you may need product liability insurance in addition to your business insurance. In fact, business partners throughout your supply chain may require a certificate of liability insurance as proof of adequate product liability coverage. Why Is Product Liability Coverage So Important? If your business provides products to customers, you need product liability insurance because product liability...